About New World Investor

As the Chief Investment Officer of New World Investor, Michael Murphy has a 50-year track record of selecting exceptionally high-performing stocks. Michael is a Chartered Financial Analyst and graduated with honors in economics from Harvard University. He’s written three books on smart investing, including the business bestseller Every Investor’s Guide to High-Tech Stocks and Mutual Funds and the recent Survive The Great Inflation.

Michael began his career in the computer industry’s infancy, first as a COBOL programmer and mainframe systems analyst, then as a technology stock analyst for American Express and Capital Research/American Funds. He quickly rose through the ranks, becoming the Vice President: Investment Planning & Control, and later the CEO of two software companies, where the lessons of this rapid-evolution world were forged in fire.

For the last 35+ years, Murphy has been an independent technology investment adviser, bringing professional research to individual investors. Through New World Investor, he shares his unique analysis of emerging MegaShifts (new technology trends and breakthroughs) that are still under the radar, and the companies best positioned to reap staggering rewards.

One look at his top recommendations reveals why Michael’s subscribers get a head start in the race for high-growth profits. Over the years, Michael Murphy has been a regular guest in the media with frequent appearances on CNBC, Fox Business, and CNNfn, and is often quoted in The Wall Street Journal, Barron’s and Money.

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